General / September, 08 2017

Kitchen Staples Reccomended by Dietitians

A big chunk of weight loss as to do with your diet, so it makes sense to base on your diet on the advice of an expert. A recent study asked dietitians to share their top foods, “kitchen staples” if you will, they recommend to clients that are trying to slim down.

kitchen staples

The Kitchen Staples you must have, according to experts

Courgette: Recently, this vegetable has replaced noodles in many people’s dishes. It’s much lower in carbs and calories than regular pasta, and rich in nutrients.

Avocados: Healthy fats are essential for weight loss, because they help keep us full and satisfied for longer. Avocados are also rich in fibre. Spread them on toast or add them to smoothies.

Sweet Potatoes: These are rich in fibre, vitamin A, and complex carbohydrates to help balance blood sugar levels. Enjoy baked sweet potatoes for breakfast topped with almond butter and banana, or add roasted cubes to salads or Buddha bowls.

Eggs: Eggs are high in protein so they keep hunger in check and keep blood sugar levels steady. Hard boil a dozen on Sunday so you have them for the week.

Oats: High in B vitamins and rich in complex carbs, oats, particularly steel cut or rolled, are also a great source of filling fibre, and “eating lots of fibre can help with weight loss.

Nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, and sunflower seeds, are great snacks for weight loss since most are high in good fats, protein, and fibre.

Berries: An excellent source of fibre and antioxidants, fruits like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries have the lowest amount of sugar, which is great for losing weight. Blueberries have also been shown to reduce belly fat.

Greek yoghurt: This protein-rich snack can keep hunger at bay between meals, and probiotics can help with digestion and belly bloat. If you don’t eat dairy, go for almond or soy yoghurt.

Dark chocolate: Everyone needs a treat! Dark chocolate is low in sugar and high in antioxidants, and having a sweet treat planned in your day can prevent binges later on!

Give these a try if you a looking to get/stay lean! Good thing they are all delicious treats!

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