General / December, 12 2016

Rubber Hex Dumbbell by York



Dumbbells, the new thing in my little work out area. I’ve been doing quite a lot of cardio and thought it was time for a bit of a change up. I’ve also spoken about getting rid of my bingo wings a couple of times, well now is the time to figure that out!


The Rubber Hex Dumbbells by York has a great feel to it! And although it is quite masculine, I liked the feel and weight of them. Follow this link for more info.


When you hear ‘weight-lifting’ or ‘Dumbbells work out’, you worry about bulking out or ending up with scary arms like Madonna, bet she can lift a really big glass of wine! But strength training is the best thing for any gym session: it boosts your metabolism and helps get toned, cardio won’t do alone. Or so I’ve been informed, so here are some technics to try…


York Hex Rubber Dumbbells


Rubber Hex Dumbbells Work Out:


A One Arm Bent-Over Row: 001


Place your left knee on a bench and your right foot on the floor next to it, then lean forward to place your left hand on the bench.

Reach down with your right hand to lift the dumbbells (or large Glass of Red) off the floor, palm facing in.


  1. Keeping your back flat, bend your right elbow and squeeze your shoulder blades together to pull the dumbbells up your side until it reaches your rib-cage.
  1. Lower back down. That’s one rep – now alternate sides and feel the burn.

Goblet Low-Box Squats (like the sound of this one) 002


Holding a dumbbells with both hands, elbows bent and close to your body, stand facing away from a bench or box that’s at or below knee level, your feet shoulder-width apart.


  1. Maintaining a tight core throughout, slowly sit your hips back until you’re seated on the bench, keeping your knees in line with your toes.
  2. Pause, then press through your heels to return to the start. That’s one rep. Who said sitting down was easy?


A One Arm Standing Press 003


Grab the dumbbells with your right hand and hold it in front of your right shoulder, elbow bent, thumb touching your shoulder and palm facing forward.


  1. Keeping your core tight, press the weight up until your arm is straight.
  2. Reverse the movement to return to the start and swap sides.

Dumbbells Deadlift  004


Hold a pair of dumbbells in front of you, palms facing your thighs and feet shoulder-width apart.


  1. Keeping your core tight and back flat throughout, push your bum back and bend over at the hips, bending your knees slightly as you lower the weights down towards your shins.
  2. When you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, stop and slowly reverse the movement, squeezing your glutes. That’s one rep. Still feeling good?



My Verdict on the Rubber Hex Dumbbells :


Although it will take some time to get rid of my wings, I did feel my arms the following day! I could feel every single muscle in my arms, they even quivered slightly when I picked up my Glass of Red! I’m told thats good. 


10/10 a great work out! It will take time, but it will work as long as I work it.




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