General / August, 02 2017

Tips to improve your cardio workout

When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, you have to put your heart into it. Cardiovascular exercise is any workout which increases the heart rate. They include: swimming, running, and riding a bike. Some people prefer to use machines like bikes and the treadmill shown in the photo. Many like to do their cardiovascular workout unaided by machines. Whatever the preference, most experts recommend a moderate rate of exercise for about 20-minutes. Consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Just like anything, when you do too much of it, it’s easy to get complacent and bored with it, so here are a few tips to take your cardio workout to the next level.

Tips for Getting the Most out of your Cardio Workout

1. Include strength based exercises in your workout

Lift moderate weights to help with overall burning of calories. You can also include inclines when using the treadmill. Watch the video bellow for a good example of a weight training workout that works your cardio.

2. Rotate your planned cardiovascular activities

Don’t just stick to one sort of exercise. This keeps you motivated and interested in exercising. Also, you may use slightly different muscle groups when you change your activity. For example, one day you might like the treadmill. For the next day, try a class.

cardio workout

3. Alter intensity

You may want to pick up your pace on an elliptical machine and then slow down to your moderate rate. This switching of intervals increases the burn of fat according to numerous studies. Working on intensity intervals is also known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and you can learn more about it by watching the video bellow:

Start Training Today

Check out our cardio equipment available to hire or buy. This month we have added on a 10% discount to all second hand equipment.



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