General / August, 31 2017

The 7 Best Exercises for a Full Body Workout

The seeming endless number of full body workouts is enough to make your head spin. Sure, you know the basics, but do you know the best way to get a full body workout? Efficiency is important in a workout, because you don’t want to be wasting time with routines that will get nowhere, or somewhere but very slowly!

In general, a strong candidate for the “best” is an exercise that is easy-to-learn and targets multiple muscle groups and gives you the practical strength and muscle tone to meet your goals. You don’t need expensive, fancy equipment to have a good workout, a lot of these exercises can be practice without any equipment or with a simple, cheap accessory that will enhance the effects of the exercise.

Push Ups

full body workout

A good, old classic, for a reason! It works a wide range of muscles, though it primarily targets the chest, triceps and core. Individuals usually lift about 60% of their weight when performing a push up. It is also an exercise that has many great variations, as the incline push up, the wide-grip push up, etc. Include some variations in your routine, as it will increase the difficulty and keep your muscle guessing.


The squat is a classic weightlifting exercise, that can also only be performed with body weight. It targets mostly your lower body, but as it is performed standing, it engages your back, shoulders, core and much more. It’s definitely a “must-have” in a routine. Unless you have any sort of knees/back problem, you should be performing this exercise with some weights. There’s a few options:


full body workout


full body workout


full body workout

This exercise is not for the fitness weary. It does triple duty by working extensively the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. Still want more? Add weight to it. You can also do a front lunge or back lunge, or do a lunge walk.


full body exercise



full body workout

Pike Roll Out

full body workout

Perhaps this one will surprise you, as it is a lesser known exercise. It is one of the best core exercises you can get, according to numerous studies. You will need a swiss ball/gym ball to perform this one, good thing they are cheap! The need for you to be stable in order to perform this exercise will make every muscle of your body clench, which is why it is such a great full body workout.

Clean and Jerk

full body workout

You’ve probably seen this one being practised at the gym, and it’s for a reason that it is a staple is every bodybuilder’s routine. It is an explosive movement of picking up a barbell with weights and lifting it over your head. It is the definition of fully body workout – hamstrings, back, core, biceps, tricep, you name it; they will be engaged during this exercise.


full body workout

Burpees combine the big two parts of exercising: cardio and muscle toning. This is why they are undoubtedly one of the best exercises to add to your routine, as they will help you stay lean and fit. Add some dumbbells to be make it even more fun!


full body workout

The deadlift is an old-school lift that builds total-body strength. The goal is to pick up a weighted bar off the ground and bring it to your thighs.

However, it does come with its risks. The wrong technique can injure your back, so it’s important to keep it flat throughout the movement. When performed correctly, this exercise is a killer for your back, legs and forearms.




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